Confluent Kafka Kubernetes Operator — Setup and Playing!

Simon Aubury
5 min readAug 3, 2019


Confluent released their Kafka Kubernetes Operator this week (as part of their CP 5.3 release). The TL;DR summary is this gives you a straight forward way to deploy your own clustered & secured Apache Kafka on Kubernetes (ZooKeeper, Apache Kafka) along with the cool bits (Kafka Connect, KSQL, Schema Registry, REST Proxy, Control Center).

This is pretty cool as it opens the way for Kafka deployments to on premises (eg., OpenShift or Rancher) and eases the way for clouds deploys (EKS, AKS, GKE). It also automates security configuration setup (setting up kerberos authentication in Kafka is a job for the patient!).

So, let’s see how to see this up.

Machine Setup

I recently got a new Mac — so this was a good opportunity to document the steps necessary to start from a clean machine. This demonstration uses the Google (GCP) Kubernetes Engine

Kubernetes Helm CLI

First — let’s install the kubernetes command line tools (assuming brew is already installed)

brew install kubernetes-helmbrew install kubernetes-cli

Google Cloud SDK

I’ll be using the Google (GCP) Kubernetes Engine. You’ll need to install the google-cloud-sdk . Google has great quick-start instructions . In short, download, extract and add to your PATH

Confluent Kubernetes Operator Helm bundle

Next, we actually need to download the Confluent Helm bundle. This Confluent bundle comprises Helm charts, templates, and scripts used to deploy Confluent Operator and Confluent Platform components for your Kubernetes cluster. Remember this is an Enterprise feature (ie., paid for if used in production).

Download and extract the bundle from Confluent Platform Operations from

tar xvfz confluent-operator-20190726-v0.65.0.tar.gzcd confluent-operator-20190726-v0.65.0/helm

GCP Kubernetes Engine Provision

Adding a Kubernetes clusters

Navigating to GCP Kubernetes Engine ; click “create cluster”

Adding a Kubernetes clusters

Add a node pool

For the new cluster; add a lot of capacity. I found 16 nodes of 2 vCPU’s was enough to get going

Add a node pool

Adding resource quota

Initially I hit a problem where I could not provision enough resource due to a quota on CPUs.

Be sure to increase the CPU quota

If this happens to you navigate to IAM Admin Quotas ( and increase to something like 32 for the Compute Engine API CPUs maximum

Update quota

Setup GCP Client

Now you’ll need to initialises and authenticate your setup

gcloud initgcloud auth listgcloud config set compute/region us-central1gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-agcloud container clusters get-credentials my-kafka-cluster

Next, setup a Service Account

kubectl create serviceaccount tiller -n kube-systemkubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount kube-system:tillerhelm init --service-account tiller

Install Confluent Operator

Good — now my laptop can communicate with a remote GCP Kubernetes Engine. Now to install the Confluent Operator. These steps are pretty much verbatim from

helm install -f ./providers/gcp.yaml --name operator --namespace operator --set operator.enabled=true ./confluent-operatorkubectl -n operator patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "confluent-docker-registry" }]}'kubectl get pods -n operator | grep "manager"

Install ZooKeeper

First — let’s install 3 zookeeper nodes

helm install -f ./providers/gcp.yaml --name zookeeper --namespace operator --set zookeeper.enabled=true ./confluent-operatorkubectl get zookeeper zookeeper -ojsonpath='{.status.phase}' -n operator

Setup DNS (Optional)

Not strictly necessary — but if you want to have direct (external) access to your Kafka cluster, you’ll need to provide an accessible DNS that can be pushed into your LISTENER config. The settings are in helm/providers/gcp.yaml

Changes to helm/providers/gcp.yaml

Install Kafka brokers

A very similar approach to setting up 3 kafka brokers

helm install -f ./providers/gcp.yaml --name kafka --namespace operator --set kafka.enabled=true ./confluent-operatorkubectl get pods -n operator | grep kafka

Install Schema Registry

Now to install a 2 node schema registry

helm install -f ./providers/gcp.yaml --name schemaregistry --namespace operator --set schemaregistry.enabled=true ./confluent-operatorkubectl get pods -n operator | grep schemaregistry

Install Kafka Connect

Now for Kafka connect

helm install -f ./providers/gcp.yaml --name connect --namespace operator --set connect.enabled=true ./confluent-operatorkubectl get pods -n operator | grep connectors

Install Confluent Control Center

helm install -f ./providers/gcp.yaml --name controlcenter --namespace operator --set controlcenter.enabled=true ./confluent-operatorkubectl get pods -n operator | grep controlcenter

Install Confluent KSQL

helm install -f ./providers/gcp.yaml --name ksql --namespace operator --set ksql.enabled=true ./confluent-operatorkubectl get pods -n operator | grep ksql

Running Workload

After the deployments have completed, the running workloads should look like this

Kubernetes Workloads on GCP

Does it work — let’s test it …

Test Kafka from within the cluster

Launch a bash session on a kafka broker

kubectl -n operator exec -it kafka-0 bash

Create a local file

cat << EOF >
bootstrap.servers=kafka:9071 required username="test" password="test123";

And then run a test

kafka-topics --command-config --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --listexit

Test local KSQL client against remote KSQL server

Establish a port mapping tunnel

kubectl port-forward svc/ksql 8088:8088 -n operator

And start a ksql session (locally) connecting to a remote server

list topics;

Test Confluent Control Center

Now let’s test access to Confluent Control Center. Establish a port mapping tunnel for port 9021

kubectl port-forward svc/controlcenter 9021:9021 -n operator

And navigate to http://localhost:9021

The initial login is admin and the default password is Developer1.

Behold — Confluent Control Center

Teardown and Cleanup

Be sure to remove the deployment once you’ve finished testing. For GCP Kubernetes Engine it’s pretty much down to deleting the cluster

Things not to do to production

Final Thoughts

A managed service anything is preferable to rolling things yourself. However, the Kafka Kubernetes Operator made a complex deployment pretty seem-less. This is pretty battle tested too as Confluent run their own public cloud offering (Confluent Cloud) on Kubernetes.

I had a fully clustered, secured and highly available streaming platform of my own with a few yaml files and some cli magic.

This is an amazing outcome — built in minutes (not days or weeks). This was so much easier than the last time I did this!



Simon Aubury
Simon Aubury

Written by Simon Aubury

Day job: data streaming & system architecture. Night gig: IoT and random project hacking

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